Elizabeth Lisk
EVP of Operations
Champions Funding
Gilbert, Ariz.
Elizabeth Lisk is an unsung hero at Champions Funding, acting behind the scenes with an impressive impact, says Christy Mindell, executive vice president of marketing at the company.
Lisk streamlined the loan process by ensuring the user-friendly technology was programmed with compliance safeguards. She also sped up turn times by opting for an empowered decision- maker to manage each file rather than waiting for several touches and individuals, Mindell says
“Her drive and her team spirit keeps her constantly enhancing services and procedures, making her a Champion for the broker partners she serves and the team within,” Mindell says.
Lisk empowered mortgage brokers with uncommon resources, such as the ability to self-disclose. She had a hands-on role in the tech production, testing, and rolling out of the HERO Broker Portal and forthcoming underwriting portal. She streamlined the loan process by ensuring the user-friendly technology was programmed with compliance safeguards.
“For her team and our broker partners, Liz is making systems stronger, faster, and safer,” MIndell says.
“To see the ripple effect of opportunity, look at Liz,” Mindell says.
Lisk began her journey in the mortgage industry as a receptionist.
“Twenty years ago someone took a chance on a single mom and that has rippled into a vibrant career,” Mindell says. “But the impact continues to have an effect as Liz has committed herself to giving her team the knowledge, voice, and skills to continue to grow professionally.”
Lisk has served in a variety of departments including compliance, providing insight from the vantage of an array of stakeholders. She sees the big picture, Mindell says, making her role in the development of new technologies and procedures unique for an operations leader.
Lisk provided broker training to ensure Champions’ partners were empowered and given the highest levels of customer support.
“Liz’s success reflects what is possible for all mortgage professionals — a fulfilling career and an opportunity to make an impact,” Mindell says.