The police calls section is presented for entertainment purposes and does not reflect the nature or the volume of the calls received by local law enforcement.
Sept. 6
A driver was seen speeding at 40 mph through a parking lot on Highway 40.
A reckless driver was seen going around 85 mph and flying past lines of cars on Voerman Road.
A man responsible for accidentally dialing 911 said his phone was broken and he was going to do a hard reset on it.
A newspaper delivery boy was being followed while on his route at about 4 a.m. The person following the paper boy turned out to be a concerned neighbor who thought the delivery person was casing the neighborhood. Both individuals were counseled.
Sept. 7
On Wisconsin Avenue, a driver going 50 mph in a posted 35 mph zone told the officer that due to a dead battery, the speedometer had quit working. When the driver tried to start the vehicle, the battery was dead again. The driver was given a warning for excessive speed.
Two small dogs who were found and brought to the police station were returned to their owner.
A passport was lost.
There has been an ongoing issue with construction crews blocking the road on Lakeshore Drive and now, a small flatbed trailer was blocking the lane.
An older, white male was seen watching two women play tennis while his vehicle was experiencing mechanical problems on Highway 93.
Someone on Baker Avenue called to say there had been some “creepiness” and they wanted to speak to law enforcement about it.
Someone found it “very weird” that there was a gas can sitting on the south side of East Second Street.
A male reportedly stole grocery items and took off through a field near Highway 93.
Sept. 8
On the south side course, ten males in two groups of five were drunk, disgruntled and disrespecting the staff at the golf course. The trouble-making Canadians eventually left.
A little after midnight on Central Avenue, a large group of people with open containers moved back inside.
Sept. 10
A man lost his gold, handmade, celtic knot wedding ring, possibly at a location on Central Avenue.
It sounded like the accidental 911 call came from a person riding a golf cart.
People in a white Chevy towing an older boat and in a blue Dodge pulling a camper threw a bottle at the caller in a white Dodge. The Montana Highway Patrol is dealing with the incident.
A reckless driver with Washington plates was swerving all over the road.
Sept. 11
After a motor vehicle accident that caused no injuries, one of the parties followed the other vehicle and was outside yelling at the other party involved.
Another female driver with Florida license plates was reported for speeding and driving in the left lane. She also flipped off the caller, followed him and was yelling.
A small dog left in an orange Jeep parked on Baker Avenue, had a tie that was too long, got out the window and was dangling. The dog was struggling to get free. Later, law enforcement reported the dog appeared to be ok.
A reckless driver of an old, two-tone pickup truck was driving on Highway 93, dipping into the ditch and crossing the line.
A security professional thought he saw someone steal a set of precision screwdrivers from a location on Highway 93.
There was a large bear on Sixth Street.
A black bear was getting into the caller’s trash on Lupfer Avenue.