A Sylvan Hills Junior High School freshman is making waves across the country with her rodeo skills, taking home award after award doing what she loves.

Paris Wilburd, 14, competed in September at the Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo National Finals in Washington, D.C. winning five buckles, two saddles, and coming out the year-end all-around national champion in the women’s division.

According to the rodeo’s mission, the Bill Pickett Invitational Rodeo celebrates and honor Black Cowboys and Cowgirls and their contributions to building the west.

Wilburd said her passion started at a young age.

I started riding when I was 6 years old,” said Wilburd. “I have been riding for eight years now. We went out one day on vacation just on a trail ride and after that I just loved horses. It has just been cool, amazing, and exciting for me.”

Wilburd said a few years ago she started getting serious about competing, training early before school and sometimes heading straight to competitions after school dismissal.

“When I got my new horse, F. L. Baby Blue Bugs, we started winning and competing a lot,” said Wilburd. “We then started the Bill Pickett rodeo and traveling. I love it so much. It is something that I always wanted to do. I look up to a lot of girls that are older than me that do barrel racing in the NFR. It is just a really cool event for me to do.”

She said after doing remarkably well in competition, she is now getting the chance to go toe to toe with some of her idols.

“I am going to be running against some girls from the NFR and it is going to be a good competition,” said Wilburn. “It is going to be very competitive but I am pretty sure we will do well. I am very ready for it, I am excited.”

Her community, she said, has been right there with her every step of the way.

Not a lot of people have the support I have,” said Wilburn. “I am really glad to have a great supportive team. They support me the whole way through, if I win or lose, and it is awesome.”

Wilburd’s received an invitation to compete in Colorado at the All Star Rodeo where she will be going up against professional riders.

She will compete in the women’s barrel racing and steer undecorating categories.

For the BPLR National Finals, Wilburd walked away as the national finals average barrel racing champion, national finals average steer undecorating champion, national finals all around average champion, year-end national barrel racing champion, and year-end all-around national champion.